Q and A


Is Truvada+Stocrin a good combination?

Good day to you wonderful person in the UK. I reckon my time to start meds has finally come after 6 years of infection. My doctor here in SA has prescribed me Truvada and Stocrin. She says it is only two tablets which I have to take once a day. I must say I was thrilled to learn that its going to be so easy to take the meds. My question is how effective is this regimen and because it sounds like easy to take, if fully adherent how can one go on with this regimen? Thirdly, if there are regimens so easy take, why are people making a fuss of HIV and still dying?


Good day to you too, wonderful people in South Africa!
Truvada+Stocrin (Efavirenz) is the combination that is commonly prescribed as a first line therapy in the UK too. So, the standard of your care is if not the same, then very near the one in this country. The combination is fairly easy to take and if you are adherent, then it can last for many years to come. It is a good idea not to miss the opportunity to get this combination right, as it has many pluses, as you can see-easy to take, once daily, only 2 pills, etc.

As for why people complain about HIV…let us not forget that HIV is still a life-threatening condition that can lead to many health problems, some of them, unfortunately, fatal. In addition, you have been lucky to have access to treatment, care and support, but in some countries and regions there are no medications available at all, or if there are, they are very expensive and people cannot afford them. The medications are the only means to save those people and the lack of them is a disgrace.


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