Q and A


If I take HIV drugs early is there a risk of overdose?

I am taking Truvada and nevirapine. My viral load is undetectable.

I’m about to go away on a business trip and am not sure when I’ll be able to take my pills. I remember my doctor saying I could take them early, so long as I never leave more than 24 hours between doses, but is this allowable several times?

That is, can I take one dose 18 hours after the previous, the next after another 12 hours, the next after 16 and so on, if I need to? I’d prefer to take them whenever I can get away in private, rather than exactly 24 hours later, as I’ve been doing at home.

Is there any danger of overdosing?

Thanks – and thanks for running this excellent service!


You can take your medicines less than 24 hours apart. It is, actually, what people do when they want to switch the time when they take ARVs, ie when they travel to a different time zone.

Having slightly higher drug levels of HIV drugs for a few hours will not cause any harm, and in one trip it is also fine to do this several times.

Each drug will have it’s own effect but none of these should be noticeable with the drugs you are taking.

Remember, that if you are taking nevirapine 400mg once-daily, you can split the dose to 200mg twice daily, so if you know you will be taking your next dose in 12 hours you would only need to take one 200mg tablet for that period.

Although modern medicines are researched for their safety and tolerability, it is not really advisable to expose yourself frequently or for a long period to an increased risk of side effects. When you are back home, sticking as much as possible to the 24 hours interval would be great, but a bit earlier or a slight delay won’t make much harm. I tend to be a bit traditional and old fashioned in that respect.

When travelling, is it possible to perhaps taking the pills in the bathroom/toilet or find an explanation, like “I am taking vitamins and herbal supplements”? This may be even an easier option. You won’t believe how many people take that seriously.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nick,

    This is okay. Everybody can occasionally make a mistake with timing. You can carry on with your normal time and keep to your schedule.

  2. Nick

    Hello. I need help. I usually take Artipla at 8pm. But today I took Artipla at 10.30am (very busy with work, I didn’t realise I took a wrong pill instead of the vitamin). Is it okay?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tony,

    Just take the meds are normal at 2pm UK, you’ll be fine, your viral won’t be affected.

  4. Tony

    I take Stribild after kunch at 2pm in Malaysia . I will go to the UK and would like to stick to a lunch time routine ( its the only time if day when I can fix the meal time)…
    So London is 7 hours behind . 7am . If I take the plane at 10pm HK time it would be another 14 hours to my next medication , 7am London time . How to get to my routine ? Safely !

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Jay,
    It’s good to see you are keen to take your ARVs on time. But 15 minutes early will not make any difference. And you can take them again the following day at 11:15 pm. It’s not a good idea to take them again at 3 am because this will be a double dose and can increase side effects.

    You shouldn’t be worried about this. Here’s the answer to a similar question.

  6. Jay

    My routine for taking arv is 11:15pm but today, for travel concerns, I take my med at 11pm then I try to take my med again at 3am so that i could take my med again on my normal 11:15pm routine. What would be the risk also causes? Is it okay to take my med on my normal 11:15am routine or i will take my 11pm routine instead? I am a bit worried.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Joji,

    Though not idea, you’ll be fine. You won’t be in danger.

  8. Joji

    I take two tablets, yet am supposed to take one, am I in danger?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lex,

    Other than nevirapine what else are you taking?

    ARVs should be taken as prescribed, so if this is once a day, then once a day. If its twice, then twice. The time that you take them in many instances isn’t really that important. What’s important is that you take them. How nevirapine should be taken is discussed here:


    I’m not quit sure what you mean by trying to get the pills out. Could you explain this a bit better?

    Its not advised to take two doses of meds so close together.

  10. Lex

    Halo,I’ve got a problem with my medicine.Just now I take my medication at 11pm but the time I should take them is at 12am. I trying vomit the pills out of my body but the pills won’t get out.I dont know what to do,please help me and is there any problem for me if I take twice medication in two hours??I take nevirapine.


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