Q and A


My viral load has increased from undetectable to 87 c/mL…


I appreciate your efforts to help people everywhere. I am one of your admirable service customers.

I have been on ARVs ( AZT+3TC and efavrenz) for just a year. At the begining my CD4 count was 61 and my VL over 100,000.

After the first 3 months my VL was less than 40 and it continued the same at the 6th and 9th months of my blood test. My CD4 was increasing to 192, 211, 231 at the 3rd, 6th and 9th mont test respectively.

Now, after 12 months my CD4 count has increased to 284 (which I think is good) but my VL rose from undetectable to 87. I did not have any adherence problem. Why has the VL count rebounded?



Firstly, thanks for your comments and it is good that your CD4 results so far are looking great.

Although your last viral load result is slightly higher than usual, from the details you provide this is likely to be either

i) a lab error (at least 50% of low-level detectable results are lab errors), or

ii) a low level ‘blip’ that will be undetectable again when you next test.
It would be best to ask for a new viral load to confirm this now – do not just wait for your next routine appointment.

If the next text result is higher


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