Q and A


What should I expect from starting Odimune?

I have been positive for 14 years without any complications, nothing.

A few months ago, I had some tingling started around my eyes and then a rash (not severe).

I decided it was time for treatment, visited the doctor, did the necessary tests (CD4 = 247) and (viral load = 12,000 copies).

Treatment regime = Odimune.

I researched this and am scared. Please explains what happens from here on with regards to HIV progression to AIDS, and what does odimune exactly do? Apart from the doc explains?


Odimune contains three HIV medications – efavirenz, FTC and tenofovir. It is a generic version of Atripla. This link has more information about this combination.

This is a very effective treatment combination that is very widely used.  It is recommended in many countries including the UK, USA and South Africa for first line treatment.

Although it’s normal to be concerned when starting treatment this is the only way to stay well in the long term. When you start treatment your viral load will go down very quickly. Your CD4 count will increase over time.

Without treatment your body is vulnerable to infections, and eventually to AIDS progression.  But by starting treatment your immune system will get stronger. With treatment the life expectancy for people with HIV is about the same as for HIV negative people.

For more information about starting treatment please see our Introduction to combination therapy guide.


  1. constance

    hi since i started odimune i’ve been feeling nausea and sweating, vometing is that part of symtoms*

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Neo,
    Most HIV drugs list nausea as a side effect but this is less common and generally mild and short term. If the nausea does not improve, there might also be an underlying cause which should be checked out by the doctor. If it is related to Odimune, then you might need to change to another medication.
    But you can read about meds for nausea and other tips to stop feeling sick in the guide to quality of life and side effects. Here’s the section on Nausea and vomiting.

  3. neo

    if you taking odiomiun and you get nausea what can one take to get rid of the vomiting in the morning like morning sicknesses.

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Malebranche’s.

    All of the ARVs that you’ve been and are taking are generic versions of Artipla. What this means is that they all contain the same compounds, please see here:


    Its common that people will be given different generic versions of Atripla. The side effects should in theory be the same for all of the generic versions.

  5. Malebranche's

    Hi was using atroiza pill I was feeling good then it was change to etenef pill am swatting at night what is the problem but today am using odimune is it good for my health please help

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Princess,
    The drugs in Atroiza and Odimune are the same. They are just made by different companies so they give them different names. Here are other names for the same pills.
    If you are not having side effects from Atoiza it’s not likely you’ll have side effects from Odimune.

  7. Princess

    I stated my treatment on 13-05-2018 using the atroiza pills n today on 11-06-2018 I was about to fetch my treatment n my doctor he asked me that m not feeling sick n I said no,n he just changed my pills,he gave me odimune pills ,I wanted to know is it possible for using another treatment? But m scared to use it.
    11-06-2018 is my first month to use odimune what should I expects after using it n after how long the effect will take.

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Dumi,

    I’m really not sure what the issue could be here. If you’ve never had issues before with your treatment then its unlikely that they will be the issue now. Please discuss this with your doctor.

  9. Dumi

    I’ve been positive for 8 years I started treatment on October 2016 at 549 cd4 count, on November 2017 I did some blood came out as viral undetected, been using atroiza but now I am getting very thin loosing fats on my body and shoulders, my neck is very thin and loosing weight from 61kg to 55kg my tummy Is getting bigger I’m not sure what’s wrong, I am now using odimune from this month May 2018

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Khumbu, Odimune is a generic version of Atripla. As it says here, you can take it on an empty stomach at night time to reduce side effects. But you should avoid a high fat meal, it’s not necessary to avoid regular light food. You can talk to the clinic about changing your meds if the bloating doesn’t stop.


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