Q and A


What should I expect from starting Odimune?

I have been positive for 14 years without any complications, nothing.

A few months ago, I had some tingling started around my eyes and then a rash (not severe).

I decided it was time for treatment, visited the doctor, did the necessary tests (CD4 = 247) and (viral load = 12,000 copies).

Treatment regime = Odimune.

I researched this and am scared. Please explains what happens from here on with regards to HIV progression to AIDS, and what does odimune exactly do? Apart from the doc explains?


Odimune contains three HIV medications – efavirenz, FTC and tenofovir. It is a generic version of Atripla. This link has more information about this combination.

This is a very effective treatment combination that is very widely used.  It is recommended in many countries including the UK, USA and South Africa for first line treatment.

Although it’s normal to be concerned when starting treatment this is the only way to stay well in the long term. When you start treatment your viral load will go down very quickly. Your CD4 count will increase over time.

Without treatment your body is vulnerable to infections, and eventually to AIDS progression.  But by starting treatment your immune system will get stronger. With treatment the life expectancy for people with HIV is about the same as for HIV negative people.

For more information about starting treatment please see our Introduction to combination therapy guide.


  1. Zizi

    Recently diagnosed, Dr has put me on Odimune. Very anxious about taking treatment. Are side effects common or rare? How long do they last for?

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Paulina,

    The main drug in Odimune is called efavirenz. Please see side effects for efavirenz at this link.

    Efavirenz side effects can be sleep disturbance (including nightmares) and mood changes (including anxiety and depression). And if you don’t sleep well, then you can be tired the next day, so fatigue is a common side effect too.

    Odimune doesn’t cause these side effects for everybody. But to try and answer your question, it’s not losing your mind exactly. But if you feel these symptoms please talk to your doctor about it. You can ask for different meds that will be easier for you to take.

  3. paulina

    Hi, I just wanted to add on my yesterday’s question, can Odimune make you loose your mind?

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Excellent,

    Odimune is just one of the HIV meds (called ARVs) that are used to treat HIV. These meds, like Odimune, dramatically reduce the amount of HIV in the blood so that it can’t be detected.

    HIV positive people with undetectable viral loads can now have a similar life expectancy as someone who is HIV negative. And they stay well too.

    Being undetectable means you can’t pass on HIV even if you don’t use condoms. Please see this link to U=U.

  5. Excellent

    So its possible that the odimune can reverse the disease to become normal again?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thabisa,

    When you say kidney problems what do you mean? What medication have you been given?

  7. Thabisa

    I’ve started treatment yesterday but my fear is they say my kidneys are having problems . Is it safe to start treatment without without given anything for the kidneys

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Martin.

    Nose bleeds aren’t a side effect of taking meds.

  9. Martin

    Is it possible that after talking the drug you can profusely nose bleeding after using the drug for 3or2 months

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Constance,

    Most HIV drugs list nausea as a side effect but this is less common and generally mild and short term. If the nausea does not improve, there might also be an underlying cause which should be checked out by the doctor. If it is related to Odimune, then you might need to change to another medication.

    But you can read about meds for nausea and other tips to stop feeling sick in the guide to quality of life and side effects. Here’s the section on Nausea and vomiting.


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