Q and A


Are my Eviplera side effects common?

I have recently ( a couple of weeks ago) started taking eviplera and am very tired every afternoon and have been going to bed early and waking up tired.

I am sure weight gain will follow as I have no energy to exercise.

Also I have a dry mouth, will this affect my teeth?

Are these common symptoms and will they go away?



Thanks for your email. Dry mouth and sleep disturbance/ depressed mood are all ‘common’ side effects of Eviplera. This means that between 1 in 100 and 1 in 10 people who take Eviplera experience these side effects.

Most ARVs have some side effects, which usually get better after the first month or two of treatment. It’s a good idea to tell your doctor about how you are feeling, especially if this doesn’t improve over the next few weeks.

Pleasw follow this link for more information about Eviplera.


  1. Zvama

    I have taken hiv meds for 16years now and eviplera 4years. I have trouble sleeping (insomnia) i can be awake all night and doesnt feel tired at all during the next day. Fat around the stomach is another side effect and calf wasting away. I wear long dresses and trousers only. But thank God i have watched my kids growm

  2. mash

    thank you for replying my question. yesterday i did another test (2 months after pep ) and by the grace of almighty i am negative.

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Mash,

    It’s recommended to have an HIV test a month after finishing PEP to check if it has worked. If you have any rash or skin problems it’s a good idea to see the doctor and let them look at it.

    Here’s the guide to PEP ith information about testing after finishing the course.

  4. mash

    i took eviplera for pep. from the first week i am getting skin redness . i started taking eviplera june 11 and finished july 8. still i am getting skin redness. some part of hand and back get itching and skin getting red for 5-6 minute and it go automatically.

    note: i had hiv test after 6 week of exposer(2 weeks after finished pep) and it came negative.

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bex,

    The side effects that people get vary from person to person. This is because we’re all different, and we all react differently when starting ARVs. For more info about starting meds, please see our, ‘Introduction to ART’ guide:


    The following link explains how to take Eviplera and what the common side effects are with this combination.


    You mention that you’re worried about weight loss. Though this can happen, its now very rare and not something that is commonly associated with the meds that you’ll be taking.

    Cholesterol is something that everyone needs to be aware of of, and is related to diet. Therefore, its important to keep bad fats to a minimum.

    Though most ARVs have the potential to cause liver toxicity, the combination that you will be taking is unlikely to cause this. Please see the following link:


    The link also discusses Hepatic steatosis/fatty liver.

    I know this can all seem overwhelming, but being on ARVs is the best thing that you can do. And like many people you may not even get any side effects. If you do, they usually go within a few weeks.

  6. Bex

    Hi I am about to start eviplera, but I am very anxious about starting. Obviously its good for my health with regards to the HIV, but the other side effects frighten me. I just want some sort of clarification. It may be just because I read up to much about it on the internet.
    Some of the big side effects I’ve read about were fat build up around organs but fat loss (can’t remember the scientific name for it) on the buttocks, as in full on, lose your buttocks. Of course there are also concerns about liver and high cholesterol.
    Are all of the above actual side effects?
    Many thanks


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