Q and A


I’m feeling tired after starting Atripla


This is my seventh day since I started treatment with Atripla. I’m also taking purbac and cetrum.

I take my treatment at bedtime and sleep throughout the night without experiencing any problems. The thing is during the day I feel tired and sleepy and do not have appetite.

What could be the problem? And what can I do to boost my energy levels?



Thanks for your email.

It’s normal to have some side effects when you start treatment. The tiredness you are experiencing is quite common in people taking efavirenz- one of the three drugs in Atripla.

Most side effects improve after the first few weeks. It’s important to tell your doctor how you are feeling at your next appointment so they can rule out any other causes.

To boost your energy it’s important to try to eat, even if you’re not feeling hungry. Eating healthy food and getting some exercise should help you to feel more energetic. You can read more about healthy diets and exercise in our side effects guide.

Finally it’s important to know that if these side effects don’t improve over the next couple of months it’s OK to ask to change treatment. Atripla doesn’t suit everybody and you don’t have to persevere with side effects. You can read about efavirenz side effects at this link.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Hannah,
    Some people feel tired when they are taking Tribuss. But this is usually because they don’t sleep well. Sleep disturbance or bad dreams is sometimes a side effect of Tribuss. You can read more about it here. But you can talk to the doctor about this, and also the headaches. It’s a good idea to ask for a check up to find out what’s causing these symptoms.

  2. Hannah

    I have been on Tribuss for almost 4 years, I feel tired and sleepy even during the day. I also wake up with headaches some days and they don’t go away even after taking pills. Is this normal?


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