
Does PEP have side effects?


I am confused with PEP treatment, specifically about the side effects.

From sexual health charities I hear that PEP treatment can cause occasional side effects which may or may not go over the 28 days treatment. Another one (THT) says that the side effects are extreme and about 1 in 5 people on PEP stop taking it as a result.

The sexual health nurse said that side effects on PEP are very common and are severe.

I’ve heard from 3 people who have had PEP and they said that they didn’t get any side effects.

What’s the official line on PEP and side effects? I thought that PEP usually uses recommended triple therapy, using drugs that are well tolerated. Is the conflicting information I am receiving due to outdated data or current data?

Thank you for any clarity you provide.


All meds have some risk of side effects, but for PEP this risk is usually low. If side effects do occur, they are usually mild.

This depends on the meds used in the PEP combination.

In the UK in 2018, the PEP combination is usually raltegravir plus a combined pill with tenofovir DF/emtricitabine, which generally causes very few side effects, if any.

Even general side effects like nausea, diarrhoea and tiredness are not experienced by most people.

If mild side effects occur, they usually get easier after the first week or two as your body adjusts.

PEP that contains a drug called efavirenz is not recommended in the UK, though is used in some countries where there is less choice for HIV drugs. Efavirenz has a higher risk of side effects including mood changes and vivid dreams.

Discontinuation rates for PEP are often not very good. Studies of health workers who are exposed with a needle-stick injury report many people stop before the full month of treatment.

Please see this link for more information about PEP:

Note: This answer was updated in February 2018 from a question first posted online in June 2009.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nicole, this is not a risk for HIV transmission.

    Please see here for further information:

  2. Nicole

    I had sex with a condom on, I had a boil in my penis shaft previously which was healing. I have a feeling that the condom might have shifted a bit and vaginal fluid might have touched the healing wound. Is it possible to have HIV from this?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Maureen, I am sorry to hear about the pain you are experiencing.

    Isolated vulvar pain is not a side effect of PEP.

    Have you noticed any other symptoms e.g., problems with your water works, itching, discharge?

    Vulvar pain is a very common symptom. It can be caused by other infections, different soaps/products and even changes in hormones. Have you experienced this pain before?

    If the pain does not go away or you remain concerned please speak with your doctor about possible causes.

  4. Maureen

    Hello, I am experiencing vulvar pain day 4 of taking PEP. Could this be one of the side effects? If yes, how can I self treat the condition?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Simplexio, it is great that you were able to start PEP so soon. This is not suggestive that PEP has failed. Have you had symptoms like this before? and have you noticed anything else e.g., fever, night sweats?

    Did you have any symptoms when you first started PEP?

  6. Simplexio

    Hi I started pep 6 hrs after I was exposed. 2 weeks later I started feeling severe muscle pain and body inches. Three weeks now am not feeling well is it pep have failed and am hiv positive? Please help me out

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Dzumba, while on PEP it is recommended that you avoid sex or use a condom. This is because you are unsure of your status and there is some risk of transmission.

    As your symptoms started within 5 days this is too soon to be caused by HIV. It is possible that these are side effects from PEP. If they continue/get worse please speak with your doctor.

  8. Dzumba

    Good day,

    I have been on PEP for 15 days now. For the past 10days I have been experiencing mild muscle aches and iching all over my body. I also experience a cough once in a while. Say four times a day, maximum. Please advise if I should be concerned.

    Also advise if I can pass the virus to my lartwr while on PEP?

    Thank you

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Anthony, I am sorry to hear about these side effects you are experiencing. Have you mentioned this to your doctor? They may be able to give you another medication to help with the dizziness.

    Have you experienced dizziness like this before? and is it all day or only at certain parts of the day?

  10. Anthony

    Pls, assist me as iam dying over the pep tablets i am currently taking. I had a sex with my girl friend and the condoms breaks and within 3 hours we tested with test kit, I was negative and she was positive. I was given Trivenz by the pharmacist with 5 hours of post exposure. The tablet is killing me. It cause me brain numbness and constant Dizzy. I can stand and walk with out staggering due to constant Dizzy. Must I stop taking this medication. I took it just 2 weeks. Imagine if I can still be arrived at one more two weeks. Pls help with alternative fir the dizziness.
    Thank you