Q and A


Does food change Atripla absorption?

My question is about drug absorption. I take my medication (Atripla) at 11pm, regardless if I am out or if I am going to bed. Occasionally, I eat later than planned and end up taking the medication on a full stomach as opposed to empty as it is recommended. It does not make any difference to me as I do not feel any worst, but I would like to know if it is causing any harm or if it indeed lessen the efficacy of the drug. Should I wait for longer before I take it? Is it better to take medication at the same time everyday or one or two hours time difference is not really that significant? Thank you


We have answered a similar question previously and I hope you will find the answer useful as an answer to the first part of your question.

As for taking the pills at different time, the goal should be to take them as near to your dose time as possible, but a small delay/earlier will not make a huge difference.


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