Q and A


Is d4T+3TC+EFV good enough?

Q.1. How effective is the combination of d4T+3TC+EFV as the first-line treatment, because I am now on this regimen? Is my current regimen enough to inhibit the production of HIV in my blood?

Q.2. Since we don’t have a second-line therapy in our area (the city of Aizawl in the state of Mizoram, North-East India), will I have serious problems if I needed to change my regimen?


Years ago, this combination was widely used, but with the more modern medicines, it is hardly ever seen in the UK any more. This is because the d4T can lead in the long run to some very unpleasant side effects like lipodystrophy and peripheral neuropathy.

Most probably the combination that you are on at the moment will work and reduce your virall load and increase your CD4 count, but if you have the chance to change the d4T to something else, i.e tenofovir or abacavir, that will be great.

What to choose from and the possible options are published here.

I have some difficulties to answer the second question, as I do not know what are the regulations for receiving ARVs in India and what the legal base is. So, maybe a local non-governmetal organisation or your hospital will be able to give you more adequate information on that.


  1. Michael

    Thanks for the information! I hope that more HIV medicines will come up in the future! Ciao!


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