Q and A


Does Atroiza have interactions with TB meds?

I am taking atroiza the fixed dose ARV combination in South Africa so I want to know if it does not have any drug interaction with TB medication?



Atroiza is a once daily combination pill which contains three drugs -efavirenz, emtricibatine and tenofovir. This combination is made by several drug companies and is also called Tribuss, Trustiva, Odimune.  These are all generic versions of Atripla.

This combination can have an interaction with some TB medications that may require a dose adjustment. If Atroiza is co-administered with rifampicin to patients weighing 50 kg or more, an additional 200 mg/day (800 mg total) of efavirenz may be considered. It is important to discuss this with your doctor or pharmacist as this will vary across individuals.


  1. Hope


    I am currently on atroiza meds since 16 February 2017 with a cd4 of 414 I kind of missed two doses in the past two days due to stress at home,am I going to be resistance? how soon can I take them again? please help am worried

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ziber,

    If you could tell me what meds you’re taking, I’ll be able to tell you how you should take them.

  3. ziber

    Must I take medication before or after meal , if after how long must I wait to take ma dose?

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jeeje,

    Yes, this could be a side effect of the atrozia. However, it could also be something else. Therefore, I would advise that you speak to a doctor about the issues with your feet.

  5. jeeje

    hi,i have started atroiza 9 days ago,since then I wake up in the middle of the night, my mouth is always dry and my feet are numb I cant walk properly could that be the side effects?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi sbusi,

    Having problems with sleep is a common side effect when beginning atrozia. What time are you taking them? And when is your last meal? With regards to the other side effects, my advice would be to talk to your doctor about this.

  7. sbusi

    Hi ive started taking atroiza. i hardly sleep at night. And when i sleep i find it hard to wake up in the morning. i wake up and I’m tired n i have water coming out of my private part, lot of water since i started it n experiencing something like shinggles n it itchy sometime in my legs are these side effect? n am always hungry

  8. Simon Collins

    Hi Lindy, pills marker M171 are a generic version of Atripla. Why do you want to change?

    If you are having trouble, please see question 3 at this link:

  9. Lindy

    its a month now , i have started drinking M 171 .. i want to know that i am still going to change to another pills?

  10. Simon Collins

    If you have no reason to take treatment than you would not get benefit from the medicines. You might just get side effects.


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