Q and A


Does Atroiza have interactions with TB meds?

I am taking atroiza the fixed dose ARV combination in South Africa so I want to know if it does not have any drug interaction with TB medication?



Atroiza is a once daily combination pill which contains three drugs -efavirenz, emtricibatine and tenofovir. This combination is made by several drug companies and is also called Tribuss, Trustiva, Odimune.  These are all generic versions of Atripla.

This combination can have an interaction with some TB medications that may require a dose adjustment. If Atroiza is co-administered with rifampicin to patients weighing 50 kg or more, an additional 200 mg/day (800 mg total) of efavirenz may be considered. It is important to discuss this with your doctor or pharmacist as this will vary across individuals.


  1. lungile

    Is this tablet atrovia still the same as Atripla as my didn’t tell me that is changing me to this tablet! Please I’m worried

  2. Simon Collins

    hi – I am sorry but I don’t understand your comment. Please could you look at it again or try to explain in different words.

  3. lizzy

    i’ve been hearing about on media,today i got it at ma clinic……is there anything to worry about? (Its side effects)

  4. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Eunice,
    It’s normal to feel tired when you first start taking Atroiza. This should improve after the first few weeks on treatment but do speak to your doctor if this doesn’t get better. Do tell your doctor about the sores on your gums and vagina as these could be a sign of another infection that needs treatment.

  5. Eunice

    I feel energyless on my feet Rebecca, and im experiencing sores on my gums and on the vagina though im taking treatment (Atroiza) appropriately. Does this mean the viral load is still going high and cd4 going down? Is this treatment really working for me and will my situation improve as time goes ?

  6. Zaza

    Hi all of u guys i would like to say be patient about the drug as i posted dat i was vomiting every morning since i started the combination drug its almost 3weeks nw m feeling well its my third month taking it hop it will treat u well too as time goes on.

  7. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Joyous,
    If your feet are feeling better now then this is unlikely to be anything to worry about.

  8. joyous

    Hello, I stated taking Atrozia last week Tuesday and my feet were itching for only two days and it stoped and I’m taking the pill @ night

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Eunice,
    When you say you are feeline strengthlessness do you mean that you feel tired, or is this something especially with your feet?

    It’s normal to have side effects and feel tired when you start taking Atroiza. It usually takes a few weeks for side effects to improve. It sounds like you are adjusting well to the medication- do tell your doctor if any of the symptoms are worrying or difficult to deal with, but these should improve over the next few weeks.

  10. Eunice

    I started taking Atroiza this week on my 34th week of pregnancy, the first day i was dizzy and i had a strange headache, the second day i had night sweats and now all that is no more except feeling strengthless especially on my feet, will this be permanent or not?


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