Q and A


Does Atroiza have interactions with TB meds?

I am taking atroiza the fixed dose ARV combination in South Africa so I want to know if it does not have any drug interaction with TB medication?



Atroiza is a once daily combination pill which contains three drugs -efavirenz, emtricibatine and tenofovir. This combination is made by several drug companies and is also called Tribuss, Trustiva, Odimune.  These are all generic versions of Atripla.

This combination can have an interaction with some TB medications that may require a dose adjustment. If Atroiza is co-administered with rifampicin to patients weighing 50 kg or more, an additional 200 mg/day (800 mg total) of efavirenz may be considered. It is important to discuss this with your doctor or pharmacist as this will vary across individuals.


  1. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Mufunwa,

    I’m sorry to hear about your miscarriage.Unfortunately miscarriage is very common in early pregnancy, both in HIV+ and HIV- women. Atroiza hasn’t been linked to increased risk of miscarriage and this drug is given women who are trying to conceive or who are pregnant.

  2. Mufunwa

    I had a miscarriage before this 3 month pregnance and I suspect it was caused by my intake of Atroiza. I am afraid to take it this time coz o dnt want to lose my baby. Is it possible the drug is responsible for the miscarriage? Should I take it?

  3. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Eunice,
    Atroiza is used by women who are pregnant but also by other HIV positive people. Unless you have difficulties with side effects you should be able to continue with Atroiza.

  4. Eunice

    Any help ,i started taking atroiza in june while i was pregnant and have now delivered my HIV negative baby, so i would like to know that is this Atroiza only for pregnant woman? Am i going to be switched to a new treatment because im no longer pregnant? Please help.

  5. Simon Collins

    Atroiza and Atripla both contain the same active drugs, just made by different manufacturers. You should not noticed any difference between them. Please note that we are not doctors.

  6. Simon Collins

    Hi. Unexplained weight loss, like other symptoms, is something to talk to your doctor about. This is in case it is a symptoms of something else and not a side effect of treatment.

  7. vero

    Hi ever since I’ve taken Atroiza I lost my weight from 38 to 34 what does that mean?

  8. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Nomthandazo,
    It’s normal to get side effects when you start treatment. These will usually get better in the first month or two of treatment. Your doctor should be able to give you something to help with the runny tummy though- it’s important to tell your doctor how you are feeling so you can get support to make the side effects easier.

  9. nomthandazo

    I have strted taking these pills together with pills nurse said it will prevent me from being affected with TB on the 29th July 2013. All I’m. Feeling is this ugly taste under my tongue I hate taking them. Everything in the morning everything is annoying me I have runny tummy, I get tired. Dear I hate them. Will these feelings ever go away.?

  10. Simon Collins

    The active ingredients in Atripla are efavirenz, emtircitabine and tenofovir.

    Atrozia contains the same three drugs so you have nothing to be worried about.

    The packaging for the new drugs will list the ingredients. There are several generic versions of Atripla with similar names.


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