Q and A


Does Atroiza have interactions with TB meds?

I am taking atroiza the fixed dose ARV combination in South Africa so I want to know if it does not have any drug interaction with TB medication?



Atroiza is a once daily combination pill which contains three drugs -efavirenz, emtricibatine and tenofovir. This combination is made by several drug companies and is also called Tribuss, Trustiva, Odimune.  These are all generic versions of Atripla.

This combination can have an interaction with some TB medications that may require a dose adjustment. If Atroiza is co-administered with rifampicin to patients weighing 50 kg or more, an additional 200 mg/day (800 mg total) of efavirenz may be considered. It is important to discuss this with your doctor or pharmacist as this will vary across individuals.


  1. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Nhlanhla,

    Are you taking Atroiza? If you are do you have side effects of a rash and headaches? Not everybody does get these side effects. Many people find Atroiza very easy to take and have few or no side effects after the first few weeks of treatment.

    Can you tell me a bit more about the weight loss you mention? How much weight have you lost and was this while you were not on treatment? Do you know your CD4 count?

  2. Nhlanhla

    If u have already lost wait do u go back to o usually wait o u stay like that forever, and i’d like to know if u take atrizonia its a must to get sick to have headaches and rash

  3. Rebecca McDowall

    Hello Eunice,
    Pneumonia can affect both HIV+ and HIV- babies so this doesn’t mean that your son has HIV. Pneumonia can be treated with antibiotics and treatment is usually very effective. Has your son started treatment?

  4. Eunice

    Hi i started treatment at 32 weeks of my pregnancy and have delivered an HIV negative baby, so now my baby has been coughing for four days, i took him to the Dr and he said he is having pneumonia, what is the possible cause of these and is it possible for an HIV negative baby to have such disease? Is there a cure for these disease?

  5. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Zama,
    It is important to show any rash to a doctor to check whether this is a serious allergic reaction. If your doctor has said that this is not something to worry about there are many things you can do to make this easier. See this page on rashes in our side effects guide for more information. If nothing helps and this rash continues you should talk to your doctor about trying a different HIV treatment to see if this helps.

  6. zama

    Hi I’m hiv+ and I’m using atrozia but the problem is a have noticed that my face is always itchy nd I have like a rash covering the my face. Please help because I have been to the doctors and nothing is helping.

  7. Rebecca McDowall


    It’s important to talk to your doctor or healthcare worker about this. When you start treatment will depend on your CD4 count and the guidelines in your country. It is important to start treatment before 24 weeks of pregnancy, but you may need to start sooner than this.

    There is more information about treatment in our pregnancy guide.

  8. Unathi

    I’m hiv pstv and i’m 13weeks pregnant whn shuld i start this atroiza pill?

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Mpho,

    I am very sorry to hear how unwell your husband is. With the right treatment it is possible to recover from meningitis. It’s important to talk to his doctor about your concerns and ask them to explain his treatment to you and what they expect to happen.

  10. mpho

    hi’my husband has been taking this medication for 3 months’the first month went well’he started complaining with headache the 2nd month’which was august’now he is lying in hospital having Meningitis’is he going to recover?


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