Q and A


I just started odimune and have difficult side effects.

I started odimune last night and after two hours I felt like some things were crawling on my face,my ears became painful,my head feels like its going to explode and it went on until today. I can’t work please help.



Thanks for your email. I’m sorry to hear about these difficult side effects you are experiencing.

It is very normal to have difficult side effects in the first few days and weeks of treatment. Some people may find that they need to take a few days off work while this is most difficult. Are you able to do this?

Most side effects will get better or go away after a few weeks. If these are very severe and you are worried you should talk to your doctor. If you have any rash you should show this to your doctor. You should be able to access some treatment to make these side effects easier- for instance painkillers for the headache.

There are a small percentage of people who cannot tolerate certain drugs.  You could be one of these people. If the side effects do not go away after a month or so, then you need to discuss this with your HIV doctor. They can usually replace the drug, which is causing the side effect.

Please see our side effects guide for more information.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Mimi,

    Where do you live? It’s important that you have access to HIV treament and your blood results. Please let us know.

  2. Mimi

    Hi,I was diagnosed with HIV at 26 weeks pregnant and was given odimune ,went again for my antenatal but was not given anything so I want to know how will this affect my unborn baby and myself, don’t know my cd4 count and viral load

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nothando,
    The drugs in Atanef and Odimune are the same. They are generic versions of Atripla. They have different names because they are made by different companies. There’s no reason to expect that Odimune will not be as good as Atenef.

  4. Nothando

    Hi my husband was using atanef since last year 2017 but on the 02 of October 2018 the nurse change him to odimune so I want to know what side effect will it cost to him and to also since am HIV negative,we doesn’t us protection please help you advise will help us alot.thank you in advance

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Tania,
    Odimune is an effective treatment for HIV. There’s no reason to take it if you’re HIV negative. It’s a good idea to see your doctor about the acne and get the proper treatment for it.

  6. TANIA

    Hi, I have very bad acne and my Garden Engineer got Odimune from his clinic, to drink for my acne. I am not sure if I should drink it, and I don’t want to hurt his feelings either please help.
    I am not HIV positive either.

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Cathy,
    Some antidepressants can interact with the drugs in Odimune. But this means that you might get a slightly higher or lower dose of each of the drugs.
    Please talk to your doctor and ask if these symptoms could be side effects because of this. You can also ask if you should take Odimune at a different time of day to the antidepressant. And if there is an interaction this might avoid it.

  8. Cathy

    Good day,

    My doctor put me on Edurant and Adco Emtevir since August 2017 because i was on antidepressants , then the nurse at the clinick gave me Aluvia and Edurant in June 2018 because i was still on Antidepressants but told me to stop the depression medication, Last week the nurse changed me to Odimune since I’m no longer taking antidepressants, but now since i started taking the Odimune I feel sick. I have this persistent cough, a painful headache and I’m also feeling dizzy. Will these symptoms get better or ahould i be worried

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Phomolo,

    The meds that you’ve been taking and are taking are both generic versions of Atripla. What this means is that they both contain the same compounds. Please see here:


  10. Phomolo

    Good day

    I have started last month but now they gave me odimune thou I have started with tribuss..will it have any effect in my body???


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