Q and A


Can I use Senokot with my ARVs?

Is it ok to take Senokot tablets (laxative) whilst taking kaletra and truvada?

I am always bloated as I now hardly ever use the toilet.

I am planning on using laxatives as I do not like the weight gain.

Is Senokot fine to use with my medication? Is there an interaction between the medication and Senokot?



Thanks for your email. There are no interactions expected between Senokot and your ARVs so it is fine to use these together.

Laxatives are not a good way to try to loose weight.

Please discuss this with your doctor so that they can help.


  1. Pavia

    Can I drink mist alba while taking my ARVS (Tenofovir)

  2. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Irvin,

    Unfortunately we are not doctors at i-Base.

    But please talk to the clinic about this patient’s treatment. They clinic can give the best advice because they know what HIV meds they are taking.

    If you live in South Africa you can contact the Treatment Action Campaign at this contact link.

  3. Irvin

    Good day
    I’m a decanting Mentor to a local clinic where I work I have had a patient complaining of vomiting yellow staff, feeling dizzy hot and cold at the same time and was told not to use laxatives couse was on ARVs. I tried to ask a professional nurse but I didn’t get the answer only said they don’t offer or their books don’t have any laxatives record

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anonymous,

    Please see Q 13 here: http://i-base.info/qa/what-are-the-most-asked-questions

  5. Anonymous

    Hello. I’m on Atroiza medication and I’m 22 years old. I haven’t disclosed my status to my family I’ve only told my partner about it.

    I want to take Puritone Bisacodyl Laxatives to ease my stool. I haven’t detoxed or used any laxatives ever since I found out about my status 2 years ago. Would it be wise to use any form of laxatives?

    My CD4 count is above 800 and my viral load is lower than 40ml copies.

  6. Lisa Thorley
  7. Lindie

    I want to know if I can use Wondernut with ARVs?

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Conza,

    If you’re planning on using laxatives please consult with a doctor before doing so. For me to say if there is the possibility of an interaction I’d need to know what laxatives you are wanting to take as well as ARVs. There’s more info about laxatives here: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/laxatives/

  9. Conza

    What type of laxative can I use if I’m on Arv’s

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Snqo,

    Mist Alba contains magnesium sulphate. There is no expected interaction with Tribuss. But please check with your doctor first to make sure it doesn’t affect your HIV treatment.


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