
Are these side effects from Atroiza?

Am a 19 yr old girl I just foundout that am HIV+ and am pregnant.

I started taking Atroiza but since I started I hardly sleep. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night and have a bad headache when I ask nurse she say its part of treatment. Is it Atroiza doing this or what?

I know HIV can’t be cured and I doing this for my unborn baby because if I die who wil raised her/him?



I’m very sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. Finding out you are HIV positive is never easy but finding out in pregnancy can be especially hard. Do you have any support to help you deal with this?

Atroiza is a generic version of Atripla.

Atroiza contains a drug called efavirenz which has side effects that include sleep disturbance, mood changes and headaches. Usually these will improve over the first few weeks of treatment. However, some people  change to a different drug because of these side effects.

It’s important to understand that these are related to your treatment, and to discuss them with your clinic if you are finding them difficult or they don’t improve. This link has more about these side effects.

You are right that we don’t have a cure for HIV. ARVs are very effective at treating HIV though and can allow you to have a long and healthy life.

With ARVs, HIV positive people have almost the same life expectancy as HIV negative people. Living with HIV isn’t something that is easy and you do need to take it seriously, but it shouldn’t stop you from doing anything in life you would have done before your diagnosis.

You may find the following links useful for more information. Do get back in touch if you have any questions.

HIV and pregnancy guide

Newly diagnosed?


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Cala,

    There’s no reason why the TB meds shouldn’t work, if your doctor has advised that you take them, then follow this advice. If your CD4 is low and you live in a TB prone area it’s important to be protected.

  2. Cala

    I had plural biopsy and was admitted and treated for TB 40 years ago . I am now HIV positive and the clinic has given me Isoniazid to prevent TB. Will the medication still work or I should not take it

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nonhlanhla,

    What ARVs are you taking?

  4. Nonhlanhla

    Hi I think am getting wrong treatment,am pregnant and am also positive.but am still taking the same treatment that I was taking before finding out about my pregnancy

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Queen,

    Stomach cramps aren’t a known side effect with Atrozia. How long have you been taking them for? How you told your doctor about this?

  6. Queen

    Why I’m experiencing stomach cramps when I’m taking atroiza pills

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Thembi,

    Thanks for asking this question. The i-Base website is all about HIV treatment information. So you can find info for up to date HIV treatment from i-Base.

    For example, here’s the link to check your meds And please see here for generics ARVs. These can have different names because they are made by different companies.

    You can find out more from the i-Base guides for HIV treatment (ART) at this link

    Are you taking ART? How’s it going? Please let us know.

  8. Thembi

    I want to learn more about ARV pills

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Phyliciah,

    First, many congratulations on the news that you’re going to have a baby. But I’m sorry to hear about this mistake.

    However, HIV drugs such as Tribuss are not likely to affect your baby. I fact women around the world have taken HIV drugs safely in pregnancy for over 20 years. It can reduce the chances of babies having HIV to almost zero.

  10. Phyliciah


    I am 40 weeks and 5 days pregnant and was given M171 by mistake and I am not HIV+ what will happen to my unborn baby?


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