Q and A


How long does dizziness with Tribuss last?

Hi I started Tribuss three days ago.

I just want to long know how long does dizzness takes because I’m I work night shift sometimes.



Thanks for your email.

Tribuss is a generic version of Atripla.

Tribuss contains three ARVs- efavirenz, tenofovir and FTC. The dizziness you are experiencing is a common side effect of efavirenz.

Usually this will improve after the first few weeks of treatment. Efavirenz may be a difficult drug if you work shifts that require sometimes working days and sometimes working nights. This is becasue most people routinely take efavirenz before they sleep.

If this dizziness is affecting your ability to work, or making it dangerous to do so, it’s important to talk to your clinic about this. There are alternative drugs that may be more appropriate with your shift patterns.

There is more information about efavirenz side effects here.


  1. Betty

    I started my treatment 5 days ago but I have rash and feeling dizziness how long will this take

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Palesa,

    Info on how to take Tribuss can be found here: http://i-base.info/guides/1561

    Its common to feel dizzy when you first start taking Tribuss, this usually goes within a few weeks. Its a case of your body getting used to the medication.

  3. Palesa

    I started my treatment 2 days ago so i just felt dizzy so i stopped drinking them and i want to change the time is a good idea or I’m risking?

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Gcina,

    What medication are you taking? How are you taking it? How long does the dizziness last for as well as the headaches?

  5. Gcina

    I take my medication @ 8:30 pm its been 3 days since i started but i wake up with a terrible dizziness and headache dat i cant even express , i was on 1 week leave monday need to go back at work what should i do cant go to work feeling this way pls help…

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jordon.

    If you have a rash then this could be your body having a reaction to the medication that you’re taking. This will need to be discussed with your doctor.

    Though the meds that you’re taking are very effective at controlling HIV, are others on the market that have less side effects. Ask your doctor about a medication that doesn’t contain efavirenz.

  7. Jordan

    Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, Lamivudine and Efavirenz tablets ip 300 mg/300 mg/600mg….I have completed one week dose but still dizziness still exist. On the fifth day I talked to my doctor regarding dizziness but they said that this is the best medicine for HIV treatment this days. They advised me not to change my medicine. Now, skin rash are all over from my neck to my toe. Scary skin rash! What shall I do? I’m getting free check up from the government hospital which is really quite far from my place. When will this rash disappear and will this rash leave scars or mark on my whole body? No itching and no pain just skin rash. Can I take bath or do I need another medicine to cure this skin rash?

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Jordan,

    Felling dizzy has been reported as a side effect Tribuss. It is mainly related to efavirenz which is one of the meds in the tablet. This guide says to take before bedtime, on an empty stomach (or not with a high fat meal). A high fat meal increases drug levels of efavirenz by 60%. This increases the likelihood of side effects.

    But because you work night shifts it might not be easy to take before bedtime and make sure the side effects occur when you’re asleep. So it does sound like a good idea to talk to your doctor about changing meds.

  9. Jordan

    Today is the fourth day of Tribus medication but the dizziness is still too strong. I have no other problem accept head spinning. I have no words to express this dizziness. Shall I contact my doctor to change my medicine? I work night shift only.

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Dominic,
    As it says above, the dizzyness is a likely side effect of efavirenz. But efavirenz, tenofovir and Prezcobix is an unusual combination. Have you been given these meds by mistake?


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