Q and A


How long does dizziness with Tribuss last?

Hi I started Tribuss three days ago.

I just want to long know how long does dizzness takes because I’m I work night shift sometimes.



Thanks for your email.

Tribuss is a generic version of Atripla.

Tribuss contains three ARVs- efavirenz, tenofovir and FTC. The dizziness you are experiencing is a common side effect of efavirenz.

Usually this will improve after the first few weeks of treatment. Efavirenz may be a difficult drug if you work shifts that require sometimes working days and sometimes working nights. This is becasue most people routinely take efavirenz before they sleep.

If this dizziness is affecting your ability to work, or making it dangerous to do so, it’s important to talk to your clinic about this. There are alternative drugs that may be more appropriate with your shift patterns.

There is more information about efavirenz side effects here.


  1. Dominic

    Wow i thought I was alone in this matter but it looks like I’m not the only one day 3 taking this Efavirenz,Tenofovir,Prezcobix and I feel like crap i feel so dizzy.

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zukiswa,

    What meds are you taking? If they contain efavirenz then this may be the reason why you’re feeling like this. You’ll need to discuss this with your doctor and ask them to change you to a different regime and one that doesn’t contain efavirenz.

  3. Zukiswa

    I’ve been taking the ARV’s for more than a year but the dizziness is not going away instead its getting worse everyday.

    What whould couse it?

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Uzet,

    Tribuss is a generic version of Atripla. Its used to treat HIV.
    Info about PrEP can be found here:


  5. Uzest

    Hi , I wanna know more about Tribuss ,
    1) is Tribuss can remove HIV inside bod or u can take it before you make sex with someone who has HIV for prevent to be attacked with it?
    2) what’s the others replacement of tribuss?

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sinah, Rebecca says here the side effects usually go away in a few weeks. But if the symptoms are bad you can talk to your doctor about changing from Tribuss to other meds.

  7. sinah

    I’m 3days now with this tribuss . I’m dizzin ,loss of appetite ,vomiting and nausea.
    How long does it going to last.

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Nonhlanhla, A more common side effect of Tribuss is dizzyness and sleeping badly. Are you tired because you’re not having a good night’s sleep? But it’s important that you talk to the doctor about your chest pains and find out what’s causing them.

  9. Nonhlanhla

    Hi I’ve been using tribuss for two months now and I always feel tired and heat inside my chest and pains is this normal and I feel like my stomach is always full before eating should I get used to it or is it some sickness I should be aware of

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Kaygee,

    Its very common to feel dizzy, anxious and tiered when first starting Tribuss. This should usually go within a few weeks of starting meds. If the anxiety continues, you may need to think about changing. For more info, please see Q3 here:



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