Q and A


How long does dizziness with Tribuss last?

Hi I started Tribuss three days ago.

I just want to long know how long does dizzness takes because I’m I work night shift sometimes.



Thanks for your email.

Tribuss is a generic version of Atripla.

Tribuss contains three ARVs- efavirenz, tenofovir and FTC. The dizziness you are experiencing is a common side effect of efavirenz.

Usually this will improve after the first few weeks of treatment. Efavirenz may be a difficult drug if you work shifts that require sometimes working days and sometimes working nights. This is becasue most people routinely take efavirenz before they sleep.

If this dizziness is affecting your ability to work, or making it dangerous to do so, it’s important to talk to your clinic about this. There are alternative drugs that may be more appropriate with your shift patterns.

There is more information about efavirenz side effects here.


  1. Kaygee

    Hi i’m 25 years and I started taking tribuss on the 17 of jan 2018….I always feel dizzy. Anxiety or stressed…tiredness…..is this normal?

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Maria,

    Unless you’ve previously had issues with your meds, its unlikely that these are the problem. If you’re not feeling well you should talk to a doctor.

  3. Maria

    Hi I have been eating 1pil at night for 2years now but now recently im started feeling dizzy every time I woke up and lots of back pain is this normal

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Patkenty,

    If your meds contain Efavirenz, then yes this is very common when someone starts them. If there isn’t any improvement in a week or so please talk to your doctor. Please also see Q 3 here:


  5. Patkenty

    i started ARVs 2 weeks ago, ( one time pill) i feel light headed dizzy every morning is that normal ( will it go away in time) or should i consult to my Dr

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nelly,

    Its common to feel dizzy and nauseous when someone first starts Atripla, or a generic version of it. If the dizziness doesn’t go within a week or two you should speak to your doctor.

  7. Nelly

    Hi I’ve been taking ARV treatment, its about 2 weeks time now. I’m feeling dizzy n nauseous. My tummy is itchy inside is that normal?its the 3 combination pill.

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Zee,

    Its possible that the dizziness is due to the efavirenz that are Odimune. Therefore, you may need to change meds. Please see Q3 here:


    You should however discuss this with a doctor.

  9. Zee

    Hi in the morning i take ferovite ,bco&trixazole then at nitr i take odimune my problem is that i fell dizzy n shaking i went to the clinic thy told me that i will be fine bt still i am experiencing the same problem over n over its my third month now i started my medication on april i evn stop taking the morning pills by my self bt the dizzinesd is still there what should be the course?

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sispho,

    The best thing you can do is take your meds just before you go to bed. Therefore, in the morning. This should help with the side effects. If it doesn’t then please talk to your doctor about changing your meds.


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