Q and A


Does a viral load of 5 million copies stand for 5 thousand?


A viral load test measures the amount of virus in your bloodstream. The unit for this measurement is copies per ml (copies p/mL).
A viral load of 5,000,000 will stand for 5,000,000 but could be interpreted differently depending on the scenario.
If you have only recently become infected the high viral load is not suprising. When you first become positive the virus multiplies at a very high rate before it falls again when your body starts fighting it. This process is called sero-conversion. If this is the case it is important for you to be aware of early treatment. In the UK people who are newly infected are sometimes given the option to start treatment immediately. This is because it has potential long term health benefits.
If  you have been HIV positive for  while a viral load of 5,000,000 is more serious. If you are not on treatment you should start as soon as possible. If you are on treatment your high viral load is a strong indication that it is not working anymore. It is important to speak to your clinic or doctor and start a new treatment regimen, also as soon as possible. Being on, or changing treatment will bring your viral load down. This gives your immune system a chance to start repairing itself.
In both cases having a high viral load makes you highly infectious so you have to be care full not to engage in risky behaviours. 
You can find more information about viral load here.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Gugu, what does your doctor say about your results. If you tell me your CD4 count and viral load results I can talk about what this means for you. It is better to make sure your health is good first and then it will be easier to think about having a baby.

  2. gugu

    hi am gugu 29 positive am taking med since 2010 my problem now is my vl is higher cd4 count droping down now I can’t see even my cd4 count on result plz help am worried also want bby


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