Q and A


How can I lower viral load without HIV treatment?

My CD4 is 545 but my viral load is 26,645. What can I do to lower it without taking treatment?


The only proven way to significantly lower viral load is to use HIV treatment.

This will also increase your CD4 count.

Other healthy lifestyle changes are good for other reasons but they are not able to reduce viral load.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Lucky, when did you start ARVs? If you have been taking meds for a while then yor viral load should be undetectable. If it is 40,000 on meds, please talk to your doctor about changing to a new combination. Without more information I worry that your HIV meds might not be working and this could be the casue of your other problems.

  2. Lucky

    My viral load is 40 000 , I’m drinking Arv, after eating my stomach flush lot of water an food , like diarrhea. I’m loosing weight.

    What should I do. What medication can help me to recover an the diarrhea to stop

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Thandeka, how often do you have your viral load tested? and what was your last viral load test?

  4. Thandeka

    Hi I’ve been on ARV from 2012 and now my viral load is very high 460 what boost can I take that will lower my vl

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thaneka,

    If your viral load was 20 copies ml when you gave birth, this is good news. It means that your HIV is under control and the risk to your baby is drastically reduced, please see here: https://i-base.info/guides/pregnancy

  6. Thaneka

    If the viral is 180 during pregnancy and during labor is 20 does that mean you’v already pass on the virus to the little one?


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