Q and A


I am loosing weight on Atroiza and loosing my mind…

Hi am on Atrozia, but i loose to much weight. I am always tired and it is like I am loosing my mind. I am 53 yrs old.



Please talk to your doctor.

The tieredness is related to Atroiza and so is the feeling that you are “loosing your mind”.

For both these reasons your doctor should talk about a different treatment that does not include efavirenz.

You can also talk about weight loss but without more details it is difficult to provide information. For example, about your history, normal weight and how much weight you have lost and over what time.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Middah,

    Atrozia is not known to increase a persons libido.

  2. middah

    I’m on atroiza about a week now,does that meds increase a libido or its a side effects?


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