Q and A


I’m HIV positive and want to know how often should I have sex with my girlfriend?

I am HIV+. I tested 3 years ago, but I may have been infected years before that.

I want an advice that how many times per week or month should I make sex with my girlfriend using a condom?

I am afraid of my HIV-positive life. I don’t have the signs and symptoms and i am not taking antiretroviral drugs.


You can have sex as many, or as few times, as you and your girlfriend want to do this.

So long as you always use a condom for sex, and are careful to check it is in place during sex, your partner will be protected from catching HIV.

For your own health, you need to have your CD4 count checked as part of your routine monitoring. If your CD4 count drops to around 200 cells/mm3, this is when most people are recommended to start treatment.

If you get any symptoms or other illnesses you may need to start at a higher count, but other infections are relatively rare above 200.

More information about treatment is included in the i-Base Guide to Combination Therapy.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Pretty,

    There is no reason why you being HIV+ should stop you from having a healthy and active sex life. Your immune system will not be effected by the amount of sex you have. If may though be affected if you contract other STIs. Is your partner aware of your status? Also, are you on medication?

  2. pretty

    l’m hiv pos and my partner is neg. The problem is he wants to have sex with me everyday. Is it alright since my immune system can no longer fight back on its on?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Muhea, thanks, no problem, please get in touch if we can help in the future.

  4. muhea

    Many thanks for your fruitful advice. I didn’t know if there is direct relation between the frequency of sex and positive life. I am from Ethiopia.