
I’ve a CD4 of 197, I’m having side effects, can I stop taking my meds?

i have been taking the medication for a month now and i have this terrible headache and i throw up since i started taking the cd4 was 197 and i had no complications so what might happen if i stop taking the medication because i went to the clinic and they gave me panado and says it is side effects but i cant stand this terrible headache.


Thanks for getting in touch.

Headaches are a common side effect when taking efavirenz. The effects usually go within a few weeks. Panado should help these. If the headaches continue then you will need to talk to your doctor. Please the following for side effects:

As your CD4 is low, you mustn’t interrupt your treatment. If you stop taking meds, this will cause your CD4 to drop. You may also be effected by opportunistic infections. In some countries co-trimoxazole (often called Setrin or Bactrim) is given as a prophylaxis to be taken daily to prevent pneumonia and other infections.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Abdulazeez, sometimes HIV meds cause fat accumulation in some part of the body. This can include the breast when it is called gynaecomastia. Does your combination include efavirienz? If yes, then as your doctor if you could try changing to a different drug. This link is to a study you could talk to your doctor about:

  2. abdulazeez

    i do take medicine every day,but i have a complaint about my breasts swelling up, so what can i use?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tino.

    Congratulations on your pregnancy.
    Being on meds and being undetectable is the best way to prevent transmission. It is being undetectable that will increase your chances of having a negative baby. For more on HIV and pregnancy please see:

  4. Tino

    My CD4 count is 563 and am pregnant about 27 weeks will i have a negative baby im already on meds


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