Q and A


Testing HIV positive when 6 months pregnant…

Hi, I tested positive after 6 months of pregnancy. Will my baby be safe?


Hi there

Thanks – this sounds like a difficult time, but HIV meds will help both you and reduce the risk to you baby.

Getting your viral load to undetectable before the birth will really help protect the baby too.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi HAS. It is not me that you need to apologise to.

    i-Base is a project about the care of HIV positive people.

    Your questions about risk, testing and timing are answered in the linked FAQ page here:

  2. HAS

    Good evening sir/m i am sorry for doing such a things.please i need your favor is my hiv test negative after 108days of exposure 78days after pep is conclusive.

  3. Simon Collins

    You should apologise to your partner. You have no right to make another person attend a medical visit due to your paranoia. Stop whining, grow up and accept responsibility for yourself and the things you do.

  4. HAS

    Good morning Staff of i-base management.We’re really appreciate the way these website help peoples that in critical situation.I a favor from these website again.mistakely i sex hiv positive girl condom broke i withdraw from her as i notice condom broke i start pep within 24hour of exposure i took all the medicine for 30days after taking the medicine i test hiv negative 8times.The last test i did is after 108days of exposure 78days after pep is my hiv test is conclusive i didn’t have hiv.The girl told me she was in hiv treatment more than three years,the following day i took her to hospital, doctor check her vira load and give me her result,her vira load is to low.please i need help from these website.


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