Q and A


Am I undetectable after a year of ARVs?

I’ve been on TLD for a year now with no complications. I had sex without a condom and I do not know if I am undetectable. Is there a risk I have given someone HIV?


Hi, how are you?

It is great to hear you have been on TLD for a year, even better without any complications. Are you able to get a test to find out your viral load?

It is very likely you are undetectable. Most people achieve this within 3 months, then considered durably undetectable 6 months after this. This ensures the medication is working. This is most likely as you have not had any complications. Though to be sure you will need a test.

Have you informed your parter that you do not know if you are undetectable? Given you are compliant with medication this is very low risk.



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