
When can I take my ARVs?

When can I take the pill? In morning, evening or any time?


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You can take your medication at anytime that suits you best. The important thing is that you take this medication at the same time every day. If you decided to take your medication in the morning, it is important to always take your medication in the morning.

Some HIV medication have suggestions when to take to avoid some of the more unpleasant side effects. People who are on efavirenz based combinations (e.g., Atripla) it is suggested to take this in the evening to avoid mood disturbances.

Other people on dolutegravir based combinations (e.g., Telatri), it is recommended to take this combination in the morning as to avoid insomnia caused when taking it later.

Not everyone experiences these side effects so there may be more option of time in your own combination. Taking the medication at the time that suits you best and fits with your lifestyle is more important than the when in the day.



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