
Should I stop giving my baby co-trimoxazole when I stop breastfeeding?

Hi, my child is 6 weeks old and we were given co-trimoxazole suspension because i’m breastfeeding. I want to stop breastfeeding her, should i stop giving her the medicine while I use formula?


Hi, how are you?

Congratulations on having a baby.

Co-trimoxazole is an antibiotic. It is used to prevent infections. You should give this to baby even if you are not breastfeeding.

Are you intending to keep baby on formula only when you switch? Mixed feeding is not recommended until at least 6 months old. Is baby on any other medication like Nevirapine? If they are they should continue taking this as well for as long as the doctor has said.



  1. Christina Antoniadi

    Hello Lik and thanks for getting in touch.

    Congratulations on your baby and the negative result.

    The only way to know if someone is living with HIV is to be tested.

    You can trust the test.

    For any other symptoms the baby has you need to speak with a doctor, I don’t have the knowledge to answer about that I am afraid.


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