Q and A


Can Ranega be used to prevent HIV infection?

Hi, if someone is exposed to HIV, is it possible for that person to prevent virus using an ARV drug called Ranega?


Hi there

Some countries use Ranega as PEP.

This is when someone take this oral medicine every day for a month after they were at risk.

For more info please see:


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Gumede, no there is no problem. Ranega can be taken life long without problems. Why were you taking it?

  2. Gumede

    I was on Renega for 6months is there any problem?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Pinky, do you know your husbands viral load? As he is on treatment, if his viral load is below 200 there is no risk of transmission. You will not require a condom or PrEP to prevent transmission. This is explained by U=U: https://i-base.info/u-equals-u/

  4. Pinky

    Hi my husband is HIV positive and he is taking Ranega, can he affect me.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nicholas, what would be the reason for taking Ranega if HIV negative?

  6. Nicholas

    Hi, can a HIV negative person take Ranega without any reason?


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