
Is increased urinary frequency a side effect of PEP?

Hi, I’ve been on a course of PEP (tenofovir and isentress) for 2 weeks following a risky one off encounter. I’ve had no issues other than a large increase in urinary frequency and volume (around 2.5 per day). I’m awaiting results from a follow up STI test (thinking Chlam or Gon) but am increasingly worried this may be a side effect rather than a symptom.

Of course I don’t want to stop the PEP if possible. Assuming this is a side effect will it go away after my PEP course?

Thank you, P


Hi, how are you?

Have you noticed anything else along with the increased frequency and volume? e.g., changes in colour, is it frothy, do you have pain?

Isentress is uncommonly known to increase thirst. If you have no other symptoms this would explain why there is an increased volume and frequency. Using a bladder diary can help you identify if you are drinking more than you usually would.

If this is the cause of your increased urinary output, this side effect should lessen as you continue your course of PEP. It will stop when your course is over.

Tenofovir is known to cause kidney problems. However this would be associated with other symptoms including pain, frothy urine and changes in colour. If you are experiencing these it is important to speak to a doctor.

Please see this link for more information about PEP:



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi T, nocturia is not a symptom of PEP. If this is new and you are not sure what is causing it please speak with your doctor.

  2. T

    Hi i am on day 5 of tenofem and doglutevir..was previously on effavirenz for two days then switched to doglutevir for past 2 days as couldnt tolerate the neuropsych effects

    Started to get frequent urination nocturia now…should i cont the pep or speak to my doctor?

    Thank you.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Mr Happy, yes you continue to take PrEP.

  4. Mr Happy

    I finished my 30 course and i tested Negative from the Lab test, can I continue to take PrEP or I should stop? Please urgent reply, thank you

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Caroline, how many days did you skip PEP for?

  6. Caroline

    Helo I skipped pep on 12 th was a risky exposure then misplaced some tabs only 12 remaining will they work