Does U=U only apply to sex?
22 June 2022. Related: Adherence, All topics, CD4 and viral load, HIV transmission.
I know U=U when it comes to sexual contact but my question is, If I’m undetectable and medication compliant and while having my blood drawn at the clinic, if the phlebotomist were to get a needle stick, is it possible to infect them or does U=U still apply?
Hi, how are you?
U=U does only apply to sexual contact. This is because the study that was used to base U=U was all focussed on sexual transmission. No other route has been tested as thoroughly.
While it does not apply, being undetectable and ART compliant will significantly reduce the risk of transmission. It is possible that there is no risk however this cannot be confirmed.
There are further procedures used to prevent these situations occurring. Appropriate training for the phlebotomist and needle-stick injury protocols within the hospitals.
So while there is some risk, this risk is significantly diminished by being undetectable and the phlebotomist being aware of their own safety and procedures to follow in case of this event.