Will my baby become HIV positive?
23 June 2022. Related: All topics, HIV transmission, PEP/PEPSE, Pregnancy.
Good day, I was pregnant when I took an HIV test and I was positive. Started ARVs then gave birth with c-section. Never breasfed and baby’s first test was negative. I am giving him zidovudine syrup. I am gong for a second test on the 6th week, how likely is it baby will be positive?
Hi, how are you doing?
Congratulations on your baby.
When did you start taking your treatment during your pregnancy? As you had a c-section and you have not breastfed this greatly reduces the risk of transmission.
It is great the he has already tested negative and is taking zidovudine. It is very likely that he will remain negative. Even if you started treatment much later on in your pregnancy.
Many women all over the world find out their status late in their pregnancy. Then go on to have healthy, HIV negative babies. Even with a natural birth and breastfeeding.
It is now very rare that HIV positive woman have HIV positive children. There is no reason why you would be an exception.
Please see this link for more information about PEP:
1 Is rashes must when u get virus ?
She had high fever and mouth ulcer at that time she was pregnant
My doctor told me that U=U is not 100%
Hi Sadiq, when discussing transmission via sex, U=U is 100% effective. This is proven by the PARTNER study’s 1 and 2. The first study considering all couples and the second focussing on gay relationships.
Each study required sex without a condom and for one HIV positive parter with a suppressed viral load. Over the course of both studies, sex without a condom occurred between these couples over 135000 times and at no point was there recorded transmission. These studies have lead to the U=U campaign and proof that while someone has a viral load below 200, they cannot pass on HIV via sex.
Hi Sadiq, while you are undetectable you do not need to be using a condom. This is because while you are undetectable you cannot transmit HIV via sex. This is explained by U=U: U=U only applies to sex. It does not apply to other forms of transmission.
Your wife does not need to be on PrEP while you are undetectable. There is no risk to your baby.
my viral load is undetectable from last two years and checked every six months now i got marriage my wife is negative and v have plan to conceive baby but my doctor told me ur wife must use prep if she not want to infected .
So my question is that what is meaning of U=U he also added that hiv can still transmitted even viral load is undetectable
Is prep necessary when one partner achieved undetectable viral load while second (wife) partner is negative and want to conceive baby
He also said that v have cases that when a person has undetectable viral load and hus wife wasn’t on prep and she got virus ?
My wife is pregnant she used prep before and after sex for 28 days than v started condom and yet but she dont go for test she is afraid i have fear that she will be positive because somtimes she missed the prep .
Now she is pregnant for 5 months in case she was infected her baby will safe if she start the treatment of HIV in 5months of pregnancy ?.
Plz explain evey points with open idea i am worry from last two months every night im in tension