Q and A


Can I find out when I was infected?

My viral load is 962, and my CD4 count is 626. Is that good?

Is there a way to tell how long I’ve been infected?

I tested HIV-positive in July. Those numbers was from blood work taken in September.


A ‘detuned’ HIV test called STARHS (Serological Testing Algorithm for Recent HIV Seroconversion) can give you an idea of whether you caught HIV within the last six months or so. Otherwise your personal history of when you were at risk of catching HIV is probably more important.

You can use your lab results to make a guess at when you caught HIV, but you need a lot more tests in order to see any trend.

Because your viral load is very low, this could easily support a recent infection.

The following questions also discuss this:

Do my lab results show that I am a fast or slow progressor?

Are my lab results good news for long term survival?

Although it is easy to spend time worrying about this, it is probably better to focus on the future now, and on your future good health.


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