
Do I need to take PEP?

Hi I was taking Lamivudine + Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate as PrEP for 14 days. On 14th day I had sex and on the 15th day I didn’t take PrEP. I did on the 16th and 17th day. Do I need to start PEP or is it okay?


Hi, how are you doing?

Do you know if this was a risky exposure e.g., were you using a condom or do you know if your partner was HIV positive and was/was not on treatment?

As you had been on PrEP for 14 days there would be a high enough concentration in your body to prevent transmission initially. What times did you take it on the 14th, 16th and 17th?

If the times on the 14th and 16th were relatively close together you would still have been protected. Even being late, some PrEP is going to be better than no PrEP. It may not be as effective as when taken normally, but can still offer protection.

In most cases PEP would not be required but as I do not know the circumstances of the exposure I cannot suggest either way.

Please see here to determine your risk.

Please see this link for more information about PEP:



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Danny, this test is conclusive. You are HIV negative. You do not require any further testing.

  2. Danny

    Hello sir
    My Alere HIV Combo Rapid Test came Negative/Non Reactive after 3 month or 100 days of PEP completion

    Is it conclusive, or do I have to take another type of test like pcr, lab based cmia, or else

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Rahul, it is good that you had been taking PrEP at the same time each day. Even though it is unlikely PEP is required, as you had started within 3 days of the exposure (even without the additional PrEP you had taken) PEP will be effective in your case.

  4. Rahul

    Hi thank you for reply & 14th and 16th,17th have taken at morning 10am and now continuing till remaining 26 days with PEP