Q and A


Can I use valaciclovir to treat HIV?

Many thanks for answering my last question, it was very helpful.

My new question is about recent studies showing that the anti-herpes drug valaciclovir can significantly reduce the level of HIV in the blood and cervical regions, ie mucus etc.

I have been HIV+ for 3+ years now I am not on any medication yet and my last results were CD4 474 and Viral Load 55,000. Do you think my HIV doctor would prescribe me this medication instead of the present anti-HIV medicines?

I would be willing to try this out as it sounds very promising and has hardly any side-effects. I also get alot of cold sores on my mouth and would probably reduce this too.

I’d be grateful for any information regarding this matter. Many thanks.


You are right that there was a small study about the effect of valciclovir on the viral load. The study, however, did not show any significant effect that is likely to improve your health or delay the time until you need to take HIV treatment.

So a quick reply to your question is that your HIV doctor will not prescribe valciclovir to treat your HIV-infection. When you do need treatment, ARVs are the only effective option, and treatments used now have much fewer side effects that the earlier drugs.

Having said that, you mention that you have recurrent herpes problems. Using acyclovir or valciclovir as prophylaxis (to stop outbreaks) can be keep this upder control, and is recommended for anyone that has several outbreaks a year.


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