Q and A


Is my rash a side effect of my treatment after 3 months of taking it?

Hi there,

I’ve been on Atripla since February this year and apart from the first few weeks the usual side effects of feeling drowsy and heavy headed subsided, wonderful!!

Last week, however I developed a spot of rash with some sort of blistering on my left thigh, this seems to have got worse over the last two days with about 60% of my thigh (left thigh only) getting a red and blistered rash.

This has really got me worried and I’m at a loss on whether to contact my health advisor or wait and see. I’m having my final professional exams next week and this is now affecting my concentration as its the last thing I needed to divert my focus after adjusting to having HIV and taking treatment this year. Do you have any suggestions please?

I’m having my next appoitnment in June with my doc but this is begining to stress me out as I need to prepare for my final exams and a change of meds with new side effects will surely guarantee my exam failure. I desperately need your advice, could it be Atripla after 3 months?



Thank you for your question.

I am sorry to hear you are having problems with your treatment at the time when you are wanting to be able to concentrate on your studies.

Rashes as side effects of HIV treatments usually occur in the first few weeks of treatment so it is unlikely to be as a result of your medication. However, as with every symptom you get it is important that you speak to your health advisor about it as soon as possible and describe to them what you are experiencing.

For more information about skin-related side effects please follow this link.

Good luck with your exams!


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