Q and A


Do HIV increase time for cuts to heal?

I was diagnosed HIV + in Sept 07, I’m not on meds yet; my last results were CD4 -723, CD4% – 24%, viral load – 62,000.

I seem to take a long time to heal if I accidently cut or injure my skin. I’m not sure if I am just imagining my healing to take longer because obviously I never took notice how long my healing time was prior to having HIV – it just seems to be more painfull & to take longer.

Is this something that HIV + people encounter? Why can’t the body heal itself in the same way?



Thanks for your post.

Given your strong (high) CD4 count, it is unlikely that HIV is responsible for cuts taking longer to heal, or for them to be more painful.

I haven’t seen this reported anywhere.

This may be because, with such a relatively recent diagnosis, you have an increased awareness of any health-related issue. This reaction is pretty common.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Keith, what you have described is not a risk for HIV transmission. Oral sex carries little to no risk of HIV status – even more so as your partner had been confirmed HIV negative there is no risk from this event. Your current symptoms are not caused by HIV.

    As you have mentioned, both going outside in the cold/wet and the stress you are feeling can all cause the current symptoms are are experiencing.

    For more information on HIV transmission please see here: https://i-base.info/qa/factsheets/hiv-transmission-and-testing

  2. Keith

    I had oral sex with a woman and I don’t know is she hiv positive she is a lesbian stud she live with her girlfriend and we have been sneaking for 14 years the first early years was great me and her I am a male by the way and her and girlfriend that was it and then she started sneak with a young lady outside of me and her , her and girlfriend, so took hiv test came back negative at my dr . And after that a couple months after that I bought a home test took that and it was negative a couple months after that I went to my doctor office and had blood work done weeks I waited I got it back it was negative , bring it up to date she gave me oral sex on December the 11 , I don’t know if my mind is playing with me but I feel sick I got chill for a day before Christmas I thought maybe it was due to me going outside in the rain and cold that’s one the other I thought I got night sweat I thank and now I have cold sore on my lip could it be I was stressed out and doing a hold lot of googling should I where and do I symptoms start that early and by the way I been have diarrhea could it be stress , I have not slept with nobody not even my wife because she don’t do oral so that’s how me and the side piece got started , and the side piece have always told me she have slept with another man she don’t like men she messed with me because i can’t get hard so she don’t want a man dick get hard lol she looks well her girlfriend looks well I see her everyday or every week she have took hiv test and hers was negative to please can you help me out . Do you start having system this early from December 11 to December 25 is it to early to worry about nothing

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Athenkosi,

    Its completely common to feel the way that you’re feeling, just slow down and give yourself some time to breath. You’re going to be OK. HIV isn’t like it used to be. HIV is a very manageable health condition and one which doesn’t need to interfere with your daily life. Like negative people, we can marry, have kids (if that’s what you want) and have amazing lives. But yes, it can be tough at first. Being able to talk to someone will help, this could be a close relative or even someone from a HIV support group. There’s options.

    Has treatment been discussed with you? If it hasn’t please see here: https://i-base.info/guides/starting

    It will get better, just give yourself some time.

  4. Athenkosi

    Hi I found out yesterday 22 Sept that I am HIV positive and I don’t know how to deal with the situation. I’ve been trying to keep a positive mind but it feels like I’m suppressing my feelings I haven’t told anyone yet I keep having break down when ever I am alone. If anyone here has this disease any advice on how you managed to get over the depression

  5. Roy Trevelion
  6. Douglas

    I have ejaculated in woman’s mouth in massage parlour is there any chances I can get HIV

  7. Lisa

    My son has deep round sores on his arms and legs that I can see. I’m concerned. He does not heal well. He is HIV pos. He says he sees Dr. but I’m am afraid for him.

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lisa,

    This is something that a doctor will need to look at. Is he on medication?

  9. Charlotte Walker

    Please see a similar question here.

  10. Kevin

    I have definitely noticed that I take longer to heal since I have been diagnosed HIV positive. It’s not that wounds are obviously severely infected — not open or weeping — they just stay red and sore for weeks where they would previously have been all over in a few days.

    By way of an example, a minor scrape to the shin, which lifted some skin at most 5mm across and bled very slightly for a minute or two but didn’t require dressing, is still pink (I’m pale-skinned) and sore to the touch four and a half weeks later.

    I’m 50 and have been HIV positive since 2002, on meds since 2005 (Truvada, Fosemprenavir, Ritonavir), also taking a daily prophylactic dose of Aciclovir, undetectable viral load and averaging c.700 on CD4 counts.

    Is this normal? Is it to do with HIV, or just age?


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