Q and A


What are the chances of survival with CD4 count of 10?

I know a 13 year old with CD4 count that is 10. What are the chances of her survival and her mother whose CD4 count is 168. Please help me.


I am really sorry about this situation. Even though the it is quite difficult, I have to tell you that there are many people who have started their HIV treatment with CD4 counts under 10 cells/mm3 and the treatment has worked for them. Some of my colleagues here, are in fact an example for that.

It is important that she gets access to treatment quickly and starts HIV drugs while being looked after by a doctor with experience of HIV. Sometimes starting with a very low CD4 count can lead to new infections in the first few months.

Both the mother and daughter should start treatment and also use prophylaxis treatment which will protect them from other infections until their CD4 count is higher.

I would suggest you contact the Treatment Action Campaign in South Africa immediately for advice on what you need to do. Their contact details are published at the following link: http://www.tac.org.za/community/contact

Best of luck!


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