Q and A


Am I an HIV carrier?

My wife tested positive in 2006 and I tested negative. We have been testing every six months from then until now.She was put on medication since then & the virus is now not detectable.The question is,can I be classified as a carrier as the doctor stated when we went for testing in September 2013. I have since 2006 tested negative for both hiv elisa tests 1& 2.



Thanks for your email.

I am glad to hear that your wife is doing so well on treatment.

The term ‘HIV carrier’ doesn’t mean anything. You are either HIV positive or HIV negative. Please see this question for more information about the term ‘HIV carrier’.

You could also have a look at our FAQs for couples where one person is positive and the other is negative for more information.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Ziyanda, the HIV test will not be affected by your blood-type. Your results show you are negative. If your partner is taking effective HIV meds, the also prevent any risk of HIV.

  2. ziyanda

    Hi. My partner is HIV positive, and I have the O+ blood type I hear that I might be positive too but go undetected due to my blood type. I draw bloods at lancet 3/6 months apart and they always come back negative.

    How true is it that if you have blood type O+ you could be HIV positive but not have it detected through blood tests.

    If it’s true, how long does it take for HIV to be detectable on O+ patients?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Gift, no this is not true. Blood type does not cause people to have false test results.

  4. Gift

    I need a professional answer from you. My partner has a blood group o . And we all tested hiv negative . Is it true that she might have the virus but remain undetectable because of her blood group and still infect me with the virus ?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Gugu, how are you? HIV transmission is not guaranteed which each person you have sex with. There are a number of factors that change this risk and this is explained here: https://i-base.info/guides/testing/risks-for-transmission

    Now that you are aware of your status have you started treatment? and while your viral load is detectable, using a condom will prevent further risk of transmission to your partner.

  6. Gugu

    Me and my partner have been having sex without a condom for 4 years and i only recently found out that I’m positive and he’s not how is that possible when he was the only person im sleeping with?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Rose, being HIV positive does not mean they will definitely pass on HIV. This is explained here about transmission risk: https://i-base.info/guides/testing/risks-for-transmission

  8. Rose

    I’m Hiv negative and my husband is positive what is wrong

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Matapa – I am sorry but you have to ask your partner about this. Sometimes a short course of ART is given as a way to reduce the risk of catching HIV.

  10. Matapa

    Hi my partner and I tested negative 1 week later I discovered he is on ART what is going on?


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