Q and A


Can hepatitis B reactivate?

My partner started HAART for his HIV 2 1/2 years ago, he also had hepB several years ago in which HepB DNA was still detected (low level) in his bloods in Feb 2007. He since has taken HIV medication (selected to also eradicate HepB) which has increased his CD4 count from 33 to 290, his viral load from 370,000 down to less than 40 copies/mL and up to June 2009 his HepB DNA was undetectable.

However blood tests in June 2009 found that his HepB DNA was evident in his bloods again. It seems very unlikely that his original HepB has reactivated itself, but I’m not sure what bearing his HIV will have on this and whether this is common in HIV patients. He has just had another PCR assay done (Sep 2009) and it seems that he is still positive for HepB.

I am now seriously wondering if he has been unfaithful. I know a long time ago he used prostitutes so this is really worrying me and I would really like to know how this may be possible.

He also has HepC and I am negative for HIV, HepB and HepC.

Thank You



Some people who are not able to clear hepatitis B become carriers, and their hepB infection can flare up again in the future.

This can even occur if they are taking treatments for both HIV and hepB and may be related to other liver problems that his doctor should check for.

These test results do not indicate anything about whether your partner has slept with anyone else.

If you are worried about this aspect of your relationship, perhaps speak to your partner, or a healthcare worker or health advisor.

If you are using condoms everytime that you have penetrative sex, this will protect you from HIV and hepC. For your own health you should have a vaccination to protect you from hepatitis B. This is free in the UK on the NHS.


  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Omayo

    Please talk to your doctor about the Hep B and the risk to your girlfriend. If you have active Hep B it is easy to transmit this to your girlfriend. Please talk to your girlfriend so she can also be tested. She might also need treatment a Hep B vaccination. You can say this was something that you might have had since before you met each other.

    Livoline Forte is not a direct treatment for Hep B – it is a multivitamin that might help your liver.

    Please ask you doctor to explain this to and to talk about antiviral Hep B treatment.

  2. omayo

    i do been diagnosed with HEP B and am on treatment with livoline forte drug for 30 calendar days and my girl friend i have not told her yet about what am going through
    and she is demanding for sex which i can not do it and for how long will i be taking this livoline forte drug, is it for life or
    please help me