5. Opportunistic infections (OIs) and coinfections (2023)
Overview of opportunistic infections and coinfections related to HIV. Main symptoms and ways to prevent or treat them. Most updated 2023 (a few are still 2016).
- 5. 1-5.2 Introduction and aims
- 5. 3 OI and coinfection overview
- 5. 4 Gut infections: giardia, cryptosporidia, microsporidia
- 5. 5 Candida (thrush) and skin problems
- 5. 6 PCP
- 5. 7 Tuberculosis (TB)
- 5. 8 MAI and MAC
- 5. 9 Hepatitis B and C
- 5.10 CMV (cytomegalovirus)
- 5.11 Toxoplasmosis
- 5.12 Cryptococcal meningitis
- 5.13 Cancers: KS, NHL, cervical and other cancers
- 5.14 Wasting and weight loss
- 5.15 Malaria
Last updated: 1 January 2023.