CROI 8th (Retrovirus) 2001

8th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections

Paediatric treatment issues at the 8th CROI

8th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, February 4-8 2001, Chicago, USA

From talk to action in fighting AIDS in the developing countries: 8th Retrovirus Conference opening session

Differentiating within and between drug classes: sometimes it’s toxicity, sometimes its efficacy

Intermittent versus continuous HAART

Viral load “blips” and eventual rebound

Interaction between garlic and saquinavir and underreporting of alternative treatment use

Solid organ transplant in HIV/hepatitis co-infected patients

HIV and women – overview

Update on HIV drug resistance

Update and review of bone studies

Treatment interruptions, structured and unplanned, immunotherapy and what’s in store

Primary infection and treatment issues