Q and A


My baby is negative at 6 weeks, will she stay negative?

I found out that I am HIV positive at exactly 28 weeks pregnant. I got treatment same day and I started with it. The following day I could not get off bed, I was dizzy and having a bad headache so I missed a dose. From then I never missed any until I give birth AT 38+4. I am exclusively formula feeding. My baby’s 6 weeks PCR results were negative. She is now 10 weeks and she has an oral thrush and cough. Could she be infected?



Congratulations on having your baby.

As we are advocates not doctors, we can only offer information rather than advice on your situation. You can then speak more with your doctor.

Women like yourself who are diagnosed late during pregnancy can still go on to have negative babies. You did the best for your health and your baby’s by taking HIV treatment. Did the doctors perform a viral load test? Getting your viral load to “undetectable” by birth is the aim of treatment during pregnancy.

Do you still have any dizziness from taking your treatment? If so, please see this link.

You are also protecting your baby by using formula feed and it’s good your baby has tested negative at 6 weeks. Your baby will likely be tested again at 3 months and this will hopefully confirm she is negative. We can’t diagnose what is causing your babies cough and oral thrush so please speak to your doctor about this. As she is still so young it’s important she sees a doctor.