Q and A


Are these changes in my CD4 and viral load normal?

I’m a 30 year old HIV-positive male. I found out that I was positive in April of this year. I am not on medication. I recently received my third set of blood results. In May my CD4 count was 360 with a viral load of just over 5000. In August my CD4 count had risen to 380 with the same viral load as before. My recent test results show my CD4 count was 480 with a viral load of 3300 (CD4 % of 26%).

I understand that both counts can fluctuate but I wasn’t expecting my CD4 to rise as much or my viral load to decrease. Are these results normal? Should I be pleased with those results?



Thanks for your question and to be able to answer online.

Fluctuations in CD4 count and viral load are common. It is actually very unlikely that you ever get two results the same, so they will usually be a bit higher or lower each time. Your current results show that your CD4 count is still strong and your viral load is very low.

If you think your were recently infected (within six months of taking the test) then your CD4 count may continue to increase a little.

There is also a lot of variation in how quickly or slowly they change in every individual. You need to see how things change over the next year or two. These results will be used to determine when it is best to use treatment.

I hope you are coming to terms with HIV. It is difficult and can take a while, but it does get easier.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi A Koal,

    How are you coping with your diagnoses? Are you able to get any support?

    The following links explain what CD4s are, and viral loads.



    When you were in clinic, did the doctor talk to you about treatment? If they didn’t, or even if they did you may find this helpful:


  2. A Koal

    Good day

    I tested positively 15 June this year when I went for a rash which didn’t sit well with me. Now the doctor did some tests which proved I was positive, yesterday I was told my CD4 count is 380 with a viral load of >20 000 he couldn’t explain this well. Will you be able to assist if whether I should be worried.

  3. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Andries, it is possible for one person to be positive and the other negative even after unprotected sex. Please see this page for more info and let me know if you have any questions after reading that.

  4. andries

    At 2010 had sex with my partner so I never new that I’m hiv positive we never used protection we go tested I test positive she test negative it is possible she ca not have hiv

  5. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Sandrah,
    HIV treatment is very effective and it is likely that your CD4 count will raise to safer levels over time. This link shows average CD4 count increases on treatment.

    How are you getting on with treatment?

  6. sandrah

    I had a cd4 count in the month of September 2012 and it was at 194, l have started on ART and would like to know what the chances are of raising my count to a safe level


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