Basic science and immunology

Red blood cells new sensitive markers for HIV disease progression?

HIV selectively suppresses anti-HIV defence cells

The number of CD4+ T cells infected with HIV is predictive of CD4+:CD8+ ratio

New evidence for NK cells as long-term host

Greater thymic tissue associated with increased immunologic recovery

CD8+ T cells from HIV-exposed but uninfected individuals suppress HIV activity

HIV subtype D linked with faster progression to death than subtype A in Uganda study

Measles found to suppress HIV

Passive transfer of scrub typhus plasma linked to reduced HIV viral load and clinical improvement

HIV protease inhibitors have potent antiangiogenesis, antitumor effects

Reseeding of viral reservoirs may explain poor response to HAART interruption

Protease inhibitor based HAART and lymphoid regeneration

New findings explain T-cell loss in HIV infection

HIV-1 may revert to less pathogenic strain a few days after starting HAART

Detailed picture emerges of how HIV travels into and out of cells

High levels of HIV replication shut down anti-HIV immune responses

Natural killer cell activity varies with viral burden in HIV-1 infection

HIV infects naive T cells leading to depletion

Rapidly progressive HIV case highlights importance of specific immune response

CCR5 density on T cells directly correlates with HIV disease progression

Human herpes virus 6 prevents CCR5 tropic HIV from spreading in human tissue cultures

Dressed to kill? A review of why antiviral CD8 T lymphocytes fail to prevent progressive immunodeficiency in HIV-1 infection

Lymphocyte receptor pattern heightens susceptibility of GI mucosa to HIV

Acceleration of increasing plasma HIV RNA load signals incipient progression

NIMH scientists find new details of HIV viral reproduction process

AIDS virus’s ability to mimic other infections weakens the body’s defences against disease

Immunologic profile of HIV-positive patients during viral remission and relapse on antiretroviral therapy

Impaired replication of protease inhibitor-resistant HIV-1 in human thymus

Basis of HIV resistance suggests new vaccine strategy

Effect of a single amino acid change in MHC class I molecules on the rate of progression to AIDS

Despite differences in viral load, men and women develop AIDS at the same rate

Thymic output of CD4+ cells contributes to CD4+ cell and viral load dissociation

CTLs decrease with combination antiretroviral therapy but precursor cells remain

Nef gene defects identified in paediatric long-term HIV survivors

NIH scientists highlight role of macrophages in HIV infection

Chronically infected HIV patients can mount anti-HIV immune response

Structured treatment interruption: important controlled trial in monkeys

Baseline HIV levels, age determine degree of immune restoration with treatment

Anti-HIV CD4+ and CD8+ assay allows rapid estimation of anti-HIV T cell response

Interleukin-7 mediates T-cell homeostasis and increases HIV-1 replication

Antiretrovirals do not independently affect T-cell count in HIV negative subjects

Zidovudine-didanosine coexposure potentiates DNA incorporation of zidovudine and mutagenesis in human cells

HLA-DR integrates with HIV-1 at chronic disease stage, may raise infectivity

Study shows immune system can control HIV: early antiviral treatment primes the immune system to suppress viral levels without drugs

Enhancement of HIV type 1-specific CD4 and CD8 T cell responses in chronically infected persons after temporary treatment interruption

Duration of incubation affects subsequent rate of HIV disease progression

Population of HIV-targeted CD8 cells fluctuates with viral load during chronic infection

Maintenance of large numbers of virus-specific CD8+ T cells in HIV-infected progressors and long-term nonprogressors

Accelerated replicative senescence of the peripheral immune system induced by HIV infection

CD8+-cell antiviral factors not restricted to cytotoxic T cells induced during HIV

Low level HIV replication despite good virological response may explain CD4+ cell decline in a patient receiving combination nucleoside analogue therapy

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