Q and A


Can I switch between Atroiza, Tribuss, Odimune and Trivenz?

I am on ARVs and always switching meds between Atroiza, Tribuss, Odimune and Trivenz. is this appropriate?



All the meds you listed include the same active drugs in the same combination.

In the UK this combination pill is called Atripla.

The different names are because this are made by different companies. It is very safe to switch between them.


  1. dk

    Hi i stated treatment last mnth with tribuss it was very good to me with no side effects ,now they gave me atenef rf21 it cause diahrrea to me pls help

  2. Simon Collins

    Hi – please read the packaging information that comes with Truno.

    I think it contains the dome drugs a Trubuss – so it is easy to switch between the two.

    Please check this though.

  3. thabi

    Hi I im a woman of 31was recently changed from tribuses to truno by my phamasist without my dr’s concern and my viral load started increasing from 10 to 60 and when I cousulted my dr he doesn’t even knw what dis truno is pls advice what must I do

  4. Simon Collins

    Hi Maria, Travenz is not likely to have casued your miscaririages. The information about a caution in pregnancy is out-of-date. Trivenz has been used safely by many thousands of HIV positive women during pregnancy.

  5. maria

    I am taking travenz and I read it one day it was saying it is not good while pregnant, is y this true because I even got 2 misscaurages, was it because of it?

  6. Simon Collins

    Hi Eric, it is not just about taking ARVs but whether the person on treatment has an undetectable viral load. If this is the case then HIV transmission risk becomes very low, perhaps getting close to zero, even without a condom. Please search the i-Base website for “The PARTNER study” for more details.

  7. eric

    I would like to enquire about effectiveness of arv’s in preventing HIV transmissions during sex v/s condom.

  8. Robin Jakob


    Tribuss and Trivenz are both generic versions (copies) of a pill called Atripla. They all contain the same ingredients and work in the same way.
    This means it is unlikely that your symptoms have been caused by you changing media.

    However you should talk to your doctor or clinic about what is going on. They can help you work out what is causing it and how to treat it.

  9. zodwa

    I just switched from Tribuss to Trivenz and I got a problem with my stomach its bloated and my urine smells.

  10. Noxolo

    Thank you, my questions have been answered.


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