Q and A


Can I switch between Atroiza, Tribuss, Odimune and Trivenz?

I am on ARVs and always switching meds between Atroiza, Tribuss, Odimune and Trivenz. is this appropriate?



All the meds you listed include the same active drugs in the same combination.

In the UK this combination pill is called Atripla.

The different names are because this are made by different companies. It is very safe to switch between them.


  1. tsholo

    hi im tsholo is it safe drink antenef if im pregnant. .im 16 weeks

  2. Simon Collins

    Hi Mara, please contact your doctor if this continues. Some people find it helps to take meds with a little food. This is okay with Odimune, but the food cannot contain high fat. Also, Odimune is much better to be taken just before you go to sleep. Please see question 3 at this link:

  3. Mara

    Hi guys. I drink odimune on 8.00 so after 30 minutes i started vomiting, i just want to no if i can drink onother pill or i will drink 2mrw. Thanx.

  4. Simon Collins

    Hi Ruth, Atroiza and Atenef are the same meds, just made by a different company.Changing between one and the other will not cause any harm.

  5. Ruth

    Hi I’m currently taking atroiza but each and every after six months they give me anetef is it not going to cause me complications?

  6. Simon Collins

    Hi Zee, thanks for comment – as this is so important – and has a different subject ot the main question first posted, I an amswered your question on a new page here:

  7. zee

    Hi I have started dating this new guy and I’ve noticed his taking Trivenz but has not told me about his status and I happen to be postive myself and on Tribuss, I’ve been thinking on how to tell him about my status without making him run but also open up to me? I truly love him and don’t want to lose him.

  8. Simon Collins

    Hi Nthaby, this is a common side effect of efavirenz and usually gets easier after the first weeks. If not you can change. This link has more information including tips for reducing the side effects.

  9. nthaby

    i am taking Anetef and i feel dizzy day and night can this go awawy or do i need to change treatment..

  10. Simon Collins

    Hi dk – thanks – I am not sure why you have diarrhoea – it might just be a coincidence when the med s were changes. Both meds contain the same drugs, so it is worth giving is a week or two to see if this gets better. Please tell your doctor about this and see if you can get something to helpf the diarrhoea.


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