Q and A


Can I switch between Atroiza, Tribuss, Odimune and Trivenz?

I am on ARVs and always switching meds between Atroiza, Tribuss, Odimune and Trivenz. is this appropriate?



All the meds you listed include the same active drugs in the same combination.

In the UK this combination pill is called Atripla.

The different names are because this are made by different companies. It is very safe to switch between them.


  1. carry

    Been on Atroiza for a full 3months. I’m thankfully done vomiting and weird dreams, but the problem is I feel like I’m loosing my mind. Will this improve over time as well?

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bernard,

    For how Atrozia is recommend to be taken please see here:


    If you aren’t having any side effects, then yes you can eat after you’ve taken it.

  3. Bernard

    I take Atroiza pills everyday at 8 o’clock, sometimes I eat after taking my medication. Is this safe to eat after I took my pill?

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anonymous.

    Generics are just as good as non generics. And yes its safe to change between Trivenz and Atrozia. This is because they contain the same active ARVs.

    However, if you are feeling much more anxious and having mood swings (“drive me insane”) I wanted to check whether you are getting side effects from efavirenz. Efavirenz is the main ARV in both Trivenz and Atroiza?

    These side effects should be the same with both formulations, but occasionally some people say they are more sensitive to side effects when switching between different versions – even though this shouldn’t happen.

  5. Anonymous

    Hi, I would like to find out if switching between taking trivenz and atroiza is safe? These generics are starting to drive me insane? Please help

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lorna,

    Odimune and Tribuss are generic versions of Atripla. This basically means that they are the same think. The both contain: efavirenz 600 mg, emtricitabine 200 mg (FTC) and tenovovir DF 300mg. Therefore, you shouldn’t have any problems when you switch.

  7. lorna

    Well I’d love to know if is it safe to switch from odimune to tribuss?

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bonisiwe,

    Odimune and atrozia are generic versions of Atripla. Therefore there is no difference. Please see here:


  9. bonisiwe

    Hi i like to know the different between Odimune and Atroiza

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi tsholo,

    Its perfectly ok to take atenef when you are pregnant. For more info on HIV and pregnancy please see:



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