
Will HIV tests be positive if viral load is undetectable?

If my viral load is undetectable and I do an HIV test, will it show a positive result?



Viral load tests look for how much virus can be found in a sample of blood.

HIV tests looks for whether your immune system has ever been in contact with HIV.

As immune responses stay with you for life, even when there is no detectable viral load, the HIV test should always be positive.

Even if an HIV cure is found, the HIV antibody test is likely to still be positive for most people.

However, sometimes people who start ART very soon after infection, might test negative with rapid HIV tests. This is a test problem, thoough – the person still has HIV. Please see this report for details.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Chris,

    This will all depend on where it is you want to work. Info on who has restrictions can be found here:

  2. Chris


    I found that I was HIV+ in 2012, took the treatment since I knew it, became undetectable.
    I might go to work in a country where they ask for HIV testing. What will happen?

  3. Loretta

    Yes my husband is on treatment for almost two years now and the doctor said he’s viral load is LVL can you please explain it to me in detail thanks in advance.

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Loretta,

    Basically when someone has an undetectable viral load it means that the risk of transmission is close to zero. And that the meds that they are taking are working, and working really well. The HIV is being controlled.

    For more info, please see here:

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ivan,

    The research that we have clearly states that if someone has an undetectable viral load that the risk of transmission is close to zero. Please see the results of the PARTNER study:

    In fact, in this study there was no transmitted HIV. Therefore, if your partner is positive is it possible that she was positive before she met you? Or before you became undetectable? Is there a possibility that her test could be a false positive?

    To be sure she will need to retest and her viral load should be checked.

  6. Ivan

    I have an undetectable viral load. My partner and I had unprotected sex. She went to the clinic for a test and it was positive. Does that mean she has it or does she need to take the viral load test to be sure?

  7. Lisa Thorley
  8. patricia

    Why did my partner test positive and I test negative when we have been sexually active without protection for 6 months?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Rachy,

    Having an undetectable viral load is excellent. What this means is that your HIV is really under control. It also means that the risk of you transmitting HIV is close to zero.


  10. RACHY

    Hi am Rachy am taking the medication and just did the viral load test and it was not detected what should I do?